Thursday, September 22, 2016


Duties and responsibilities:
Dermatologist are physicians who treat the skin. A dermatologist deals with the diseases of hair, nails, and skin. There can be dermatologist of skin, or cosmetic. They deal with any problems that you are having. Cosmetic dermatologist deal with things such as surgeries or fillers. A dermatopathologist on the other hand helps with your skin. Some things that they can help you on is acne, which can be caused by many reason. They must obtain a license to practice. Dermatologist spend a great time learning about the patient’s medical history, in order to develop a treatment. They also do this so they can be able to perform diagnosis after the treatment. It is recommended for everyone to do a routine dermatological screenings so that you can know that you are safe and that your skin is healthy.

Salary: Female: $262,500. Male: $300,000.

Education: Going to college, bachelor’s degree, medical school or doctor of osteopathic medicine, internship, 1 year of training, and a dermatology program for at least 3 years.

Demand: Grow in the 3-5 next years.


I would like to be a dermatologist because i would like to help anyone if they are having skin problems. It would also be something that i would enjoy doing. I would like to be a dermatologist.

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