"True independence and freedom can only exist in doing what's right."
-Brigham Young

What this quote is trying to say is that you will only have independence and freedom, if you choose the right. For example, if you decide to do a lot of bad things, such as drugs, or stealing, that is not correct. You will suffer from the consequences, and you may go to jail. If you do, then that means that you will have no independence, and no freedom. You will just be behing bars, not being able to do anything. On the other hand, if you decide to choose the right, then you will never suffer from the consequences. You will be able to have all the freedom that you want, because you did what is correct. To add on, you will get the freedom and independence that you deserve if you always choose the right, because you will not be doing anything that is bad. Another example can be if you lie to your parents. You may think that it is no big deal, but you will suffer from the consequences. You may get the privaleged to go to your friends house taken away. To add on, you may get your phone taken away. This will cause you to not be able to have true independence and freedom. To add on, it is very important to have independence and freedom, because it can show how you stand up for yourself, and you are independent. On the other hand, if you choose the wrong that will show that you are none of those. This is why it is always important to choose the right. That way you will have freedom, and true independence.
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