"Character matters most"
-Dale Murphy

What this wuote means to me is that nothing really matters, as long as you have a good character. For example, if you have everything is the world, but you have a really bad character, then that is not good. Even if you are the richest person in the world, that does not matter, as long as you have good character. That is what really matters, and what is really important. Another example can be if you are a realy good soccer player, and you are a ctr peron, that never does anything bad, then that is really good. You should be like that, and have a good character. On the other hand, like I said before, it is not correct if you have a really bad character. To add on another example can be if there is one job opportunity, but only one can get it. One of the person's has a good character, and is a ctr person. On the other hand, the other perosn is ctw, and does not have a good character. They are obviously going to choose the person that has a good character, and that is ctr. In conclusion, always having good character can always bring you many opportunities, that you never knew that you can get. Being a ctr person, and having a good character is also a good thing because that way you will be able to do many more things in life, such as new job opportunities. This is why I think that this quote is very important. It teaches all of us to always have a good character, because that is what truly matters, and everything else does not. Having a true charcter is what makes you yourself. This is why this quote is very important and meaningful.
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