“Right is right, even if everyone is against it; and wrong is wrong, even if everyone is for it.”
-William Penn
What this quote means to me is to always do what it right, even though everyone wants to do what is wrong, and choose the wrong. You should never let them have you do what is wrong. Even if you are the only one standing up for what is right, then you should not give up. Don’t do what is wrong just because everyone is for it. One example for doing the right, even if everyone is against it is when you are taking a test. It can be that everyone is cheating and copying the answers, but don’t do what they are doing, just because you think it is the correct thing to do. Do what is right, and don’t copy the answers like they did, even though they are for it, and not against it. An example of Doing the wrong thing is when you go to the store with your friends or someone else. If they say that they are going to steal a small candy, and that it won’t harm anyone, don’t do it. That is the wrong thing to do. Even though they are for it, and want you to do it, don’t do it. They are just bad influencing you. That is obviously the wrong thing to do. To add on, if they are your friends, then they won’t be telling you to do bad thing such as stealing something. In conclusion, always do what you know is right, even if no one agrees. Never do what is wrong just because people want you to do it.
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