"Enthusiasm makes the difference"
-Dr. Norman Vincent Peale
This quote is very true and it has meaning. What this quote means to me is that if you are always full of enthusiasm, then many things will go great. On the other hand, then things obviously won't go good. An example of always being full of enthusiasm is that you always finish your homework, and you do all you work. You also help around a lot in school. In conclusion, you are very motivated. On the other hand, if you are not full of enthusiasm, then you will just be a lazy person, that does not want to do their work, and does not care about anything. As you can see, there is a big difference between being enthusiasm, and not. This is why this quote is true. If you are what the quote says, then you will always get good grades. I think it is good that we are all full of enthusiasm because that way we will all be full of energy, to learn everyday. On the other hand, if we are not what the quote says, then you will be a sloth, and not want to learn anything. You basically will not do your work, and you will just want to sleep, and you will never get anywhere. Just like in the video that we saw, we can see how one of them is full of enthusiasm, while the other one is not, and he is often left behind. This is why this quote is true, and we should all be full of enthusiasm, and never be a sloth.
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