Monday, January 30, 2017
Thursday, January 26, 2017
"Enthusiasm makes the difference"
-Dr. Norman Vincent Peale
This quote is very true and it has meaning. What this quote means to me is that if you are always full of enthusiasm, then many things will go great. On the other hand, then things obviously won't go good. An example of always being full of enthusiasm is that you always finish your homework, and you do all you work. You also help around a lot in school. In conclusion, you are very motivated. On the other hand, if you are not full of enthusiasm, then you will just be a lazy person, that does not want to do their work, and does not care about anything. As you can see, there is a big difference between being enthusiasm, and not. This is why this quote is true. If you are what the quote says, then you will always get good grades. I think it is good that we are all full of enthusiasm because that way we will all be full of energy, to learn everyday. On the other hand, if we are not what the quote says, then you will be a sloth, and not want to learn anything. You basically will not do your work, and you will just want to sleep, and you will never get anywhere. Just like in the video that we saw, we can see how one of them is full of enthusiasm, while the other one is not, and he is often left behind. This is why this quote is true, and we should all be full of enthusiasm, and never be a sloth.
Medical Illustrator
Duties and responsibilities:
A medical illustrator is a professional artist with education in life sciences and visual communication. They transform medical information into visual images. To add on, the work that they do promotes education, patient care, public relations, and marketing efforts. They work in medical centers to be able to do illustrations for things such as medical books, scientific journals, and also films and presentations. They do these illustrations so that is can be easier to clarify complex medical information. The places that they work at is medical schools, hospitals, clinics, and also in medical publishers. As you can see, they are very important because they take medical information, and create images by using their creativity.
Salary: $62,000 (annually).
Education requirements: You must be trained and have a master’s degree from a program in medical illustration. To add on, you can take other classes such as web design, and photography. It is not required but you can get a PHD degree related in science or education. You can also go to the Board Of Certification Of Medical Illustrators program to get your certificate. It is also required to have a bachelor’s degree in art or science.
Demand or need for this profession: Growing 2% from 2012-2022
Reflection: Do you think you would like to be one? Why? Why not?
I do not think that i would like to be one because i am not a good artist, and it is something that really does not interest me that much. It is a good career, but not for me.
Tuesday, January 24, 2017
1. Always wrong because it is theft and fraud.
2. Providing the full source for a quotation.
3. False
4. True
5. False
6. True
7. When i refer to my own papers that i have previously written.
8. When using information from crowd-sourced sources, like Wikipedia, because they are in the public domain.
9. Summarize the text in your own words and cite it.
10. Both
11. Citation is used to distribute money for royalties.
12. Both unethical collaboration and plagiarism.
13. All of the above.
Kid President's 20 Things We Should Say More Often
20. Thank you
19. Excuse me
18. Here is a surprise corn dog i bought you because you're my friend.
17. I'm sorry
16. I forgive you
15. You can do it
14. I've got barbecue sauce on my shirt too.
13. Please
12. Everything is going to be okay.
11. Aw! You got me a corn dog too? You shouldn't have buddy!
10. I don't know.
9. You're awesome
8. Hello person I've never met before, here's a high-five!
7. My sports team is not always the best sports team.
6. Nothing. Sometimes that's the best thing you can say.
4. I disagree with you, but I still like you as a person who is a human being and i will treat you like that because if i didn't it would make everything bad and that's what lots of people do and it's lame.
3.Sometimes you just gotta scream! Ahhhhhh!
2. Life is tough, but so are you.
1. Something nice.
Bonus: Let's dance!
"I wasn't trying to leave a legacy. I was trying to do what was right."
-Dean Smith
Friday, January 20, 2017
“It’s not about how to achieve your dreams. It’s about how to lead your life. If you lead your life the RIGHT WAY, the karma (good results, destiny, good luck) will take care of itself. The dreams will come to you.” - Dr. Randy Pausch
“Make your passion your profession”
What my passion is watching tv shows, especially Teen Wolf. It is a passion of mine because everytime that i am not feeling good, then i watch it, that way it can distract me. Another reason why i also love watching tv shows is because if another person watches the same one too, then you can talk about it with them. I love when people talk about something that they like doing, or makes them happy, so this is why i like talking about my favorite tv shows with other people. To add on, you get to learn more about the actors and their personalities, which is amazing. I love learning about actors, and their life of growing up. The reason why is because many of them went through struggle to do what they love, so that really inspires me. The way that my passion can become my profession is by being a producer, or a director. That way i will be able to be apart of creating the show, and also directing it. It would be a profession that will make me happy because i would like to meet many new people, especially the actors that you can work with. The education required to be a producer is that you must have a bachelor’s degree, and you can also join Master of Business Administration, or Master of fine Arts. The requirements to a director would be being a good communicator with others, being creative, have training in film and journalism. To add on, you can get a bachelor’s degree, but it is not required. In order to be a producer or a director, you must be very creative, have presentation and negotiation skills, and also be good in leadership and planning skills. As you can see, it is not that difficult, as long as you do something that makes you really happy, then do it.
Jeff Davis: Producer of Teen Wolf and Criminal Minds
Wednesday, January 18, 2017
“Of all the work that is done or that can be done for our country, the greatest is that of educating the BODY, the MIND, and above all the CHARACTER , giving spiritual and moral training to those who in a few years are themselves to decide the destinies of the nation.”
-Theodore Roosevelt
This quote has a lot of meaning, and it is important. What this quote is saying is that it is very important that we all make sure that we educate our body, mind, and last but not least, our character. This is very important because it teaches us that that is one of the main things that we need to do, in order to decide the destinies of the nation. An example of this can maybe be voting for a president that is very respectful of everyone in the world, and does not judge no one. The reason why i say this is because if you do not educate your body, mind, or your character, then you will not know anything, and vote for anyone, because you really do not care, or you will just not vote at all, because you do not have the mind. On the other hand, if you do have education, in your body, mind, and character, then you will know which president to vote for, one that it educated and respectful. Also one that does not judge. This is why this quote is very important, because it teaches you the differences. To add on, it can also show if you are a ctr or a ctw person. The reason why is because if you do not have the body, mind, or character, then that shows that you can be rude, and not smart of your choices. On the other hand if you are ctr, then you will be very polite, and understanding of everything. This is why this quote is very important.
Medical Assistant
Duties and responsibilities:
A medical Assistant performs routines and clinical Task that helps the office run smoothly. They help in hospitals, and other places such as clinics. To add on, It is their job to do things such as answer the phone, write down their patient’s medical history, to be informed. Another thing that they do is greet their patients, so that way they can feel welcomed. They also need to be able to perform laboratory tests. Another one of their responsibilities is to explain to their patient about the treatment that they are going to be receiving, and other things such as how it is going to help them. They can also prescribe their medicine for a refill. A medical assistant can also help and explain to them about healthy diets that they can do. They also prepare the laboratory, and have all of the supplies that will be needed for anything ready. They need to have all of the medical equipment ready, and clean. To add on, they also draw blood from patient’s. As you can see, a medical assistant help in a lot of things.
Salary: $30,590 (annually).
Education requirements: High school diploma is needed. To add on, you must have training in clinical work, or being an assistant. You also must have a certificate. It is also required to have a postsecondary nondegree.
Demand or need for this profession: growing 23% since 2013.
Reflection: Do you think you would like to be one? Why? Why not?
I would like to be a medical assistant because i think that it is a really interesting career. It involves helping others, and making sure that they are happy and also that they are healthy. I would like to be able to help the doctor, in medical stuff.
Friday, January 13, 2017
“Take responsibility for your own body, mind, and spirit, for your own physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.”
-Mr C.S. Haymore
Duties and responsibilities:
LPN stands for Licensed Practical Nurse. Their job is to always provide routine care, And observe their patient’s health. It is also their responsibility to make sure that they communicate with their patient’s families, about their health. To add on, they need to make sure that they record their patient’s medical history. They are responsible to having to assist their doctor, and help them out when they need it. Many families also hire a LPN, to work with sick or injured ones They need to have good communication skills for this, because they are obviously going to have to communicate with their patients. They work at a variety of places, doctor’s, The hospital, and nursing homes. One of the things that they do on a daily basis is take their patient’s blood pressure, give injections of medication, take their temperature and weight, and they need to make sure that they enter all of the information that they have recorded into the computer, to save it all. As you can see, they are very important and are a big part on helping you be healthy.
Salary: $43,170, (annually).
Education: One of the requirements is to have a diploma in nursing, and to be trained in nursing for a year. You also need to have taken courses that relate to nursery, such as Legal and Ethical Nursing issues, Fundamental Nursing practices, and Anatomy. To add on, you need a postsecondary nondegree award.
Demand or need for this profession: Growing 16% from 2014-24.
Reflection: Do you think you would like to be one? Why? Why not?
I would like to be one because i would like to help other people in my community that need it. Since i am interested in the medical field, then i think this would be good to become.
Wednesday, January 11, 2017
Intelligence plus Character
“Intelligence is not enough. Intelligence plus character; that is the goal of true education.”
- Martin Luther King Jr.
What this quote means to me is many things. It is saying that not only is intelligence the goal of true education, but so is character. It is saying that you need to have both in order to achieve the true goal of education. For example, if you are a very intelligent person, but you are rude and not polite, and have a disrespectful attitude, then that is not correct. It isn’t correct because then you will not care about your education and take it as a joke. To add on, it will show that you will never try, because you don’t care, but you are a very smart intelligent person. It is wrong because you are smart, but you do not try, so you are just wasting your time. Another example will be being very nice, having a good, respectful attitude, but never trying in school. That is very wrong. This is why this quote says that it has to be intelligence plus character, not just one or the other. If you have both, then you will be able to achieve many things in life, and you will achieve the goal of true education. This is why this quote is true, because it will help you reflect, and it you are intelligent, but you have a bad character, then it will help you reflect, that way you can become a better person, and you will achieve one goal there. Or if it is the other way around, then you will learn more and always try harder in everything. This is why this quote is important.
Duties and responsibilities:
Kinesiologist is the study of mechanics and anatomy of human body. It involves a lot of movement in the body parts. Their responsibility is to make sure that they analyze the human body’s movements. One thing that they help their patients with is physical injuries, and they also manage to help them prevent disorders that can cause them to not be able to move. To add on, they do this to help you on so you can do daily activities and sports. There are different kinds of kinesiologist. For example, there is the kind that examines the positive and negative effects of exercise to the human bones. There is also a kinesiologist called biomechanics that help with physical injuries. To add on, a psychomotor kinesiologist helps with the body’s nerve related problems. They work in places such as sports arenas or research laboratory’s. As you can see, there are different types of kinesiologist that help the human body.
Salary: Average of $58,000 annually.
Education requirements: Required to have a bachelor’s degree, master’s or doctoral degree. Must study in the kinesiology and exercise field. To add on, must have high school diploma.
Demand or need for this profession: Growing 34% from 2014 to 2024.
Reflection: Do you think you would like to be one? Why? Why not?
I would like to become a kinesiologist. The reason why is because it is almost like physical therapy, which i am interested in. To add on, it involves helping people, and that is something that i like to do. Another reason why i would like to become a kinesiologist is because it will give me a chance to learn many new things, that i never knew about before.
Monday, January 9, 2017
"We need the courage to start and continue what we should do, and the courage to stop what we shouldn't do." - Richard L. Evans
What this quote means to me is to always have the courage to start and keep on doing what is right. We should always do what we want to achieve, and what is best for us. One thing that we need to stop doing like this quote says is all the bad things. We need to have the courage to stop doing that, because it can affect our lives, in a bad way, To add on, we should never choose the wrong. That is what this quote is also telling us. For example, you need to help others, and be kind. To add on, you have to be humble, because that is the type of person that is very respectful. That is one thing that you should have the courage to keep on doing. An example of something that you should have the courage to stop doing is bad things, such as ditching or getting bad grades, to add on, you need to stop choosing the wrong. This is why this quote is very important, because is teaches you that you need to have the courage to keep on doing certain things, and also to stop doing things.
School Break Days
There were many things that I did during this winter break. I did things such as spend a lot of time with my family, and go to places. One thing that i did was go to Sky Zone with my cousins. It was very fun because it was my first time going, and my sister and I were able to spend time with my cousins. Another thing that we did after that was go to the store to buy clothes. It was a good day spent with my cousins and aunts. They live in West Covina, California, so we had to leave early in the morning to spend a lot of time with them. I also went to their house for New Years, and for Christmas I went to my other cousins house. It was fun because we had a lot of food, and we were able to spend time as a family. I also got to see my baby cousins which are growing so fast. It made me happy seeing them open all of their presents. I did not watch any movies but I did finish my favorite tv show, which is Teen Wolf. I finished all of the seasons and now i have to wait each week for a new episode because season 6 just came out. I really love that show. Another show that i started watching is Stranger Things. It is really interesting and leaves you with a lot of suspense. I did not do any homework because i got none from each class.
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