"Kindness is the essence of greatness."
-Joseph B. Wirthlin
What this quote means to me is that it is always important to be kind to others. It is very important for many reasons such as it reflects on the person that you are. To add on, it is something that makes you a great person, and also loving. This is why it is important. Another reason why is because it will allow you to meet many amazing people, because you are being kind. This is why i think that this quote says that it is the essence of greatness. It will make you a great person if you are kind to others. To add on, it can help you become a better person in life. If you are kind, it will show others just how great of a person you are. This will bring you many positive things to your life. On the other hand, if you are not kind, and rude, it will bring you many negative things in your life that you won't like. This is why it is very important to be kind, because it is great.